Corona Virus 2020: A Global Pandemic?
Posted on Jan 28, 2020, 1 p.m.
Article courtesy of: Carol Petersen RPh CNP
Influenza (flu) is defined as an acute, commonly epidemic disease, occurring in several forms, caused by numerous rapidly mutating viral strains and characterized by respiratory symptoms and general prostration. (1) The flu has a major impact on the lungs. Colds start in the nose and upper respiratory tract. Vomiting and diarrhea are assigned to yet another viral family.
Corona Virus
We are currently in the grip of a media frenzy and potential public health disaster. A new type of corona virus has emerged from a large city in China, Wuhan, and the world is bracing for an impact of a major epidemic. We have been here before, however, we have already experienced MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome) and SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) along with the same specter of massive numbers of deaths. Corona viruses are thought to be generally mild and not very virulent. This type of virus is found very commonly in animals. Some now believe that the virus for MERS, SARS and now the Wuhan Virus has somehow unnaturally been transmitted to humans, and humans have now become another vector for this infection.
Western Medicine, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp
We have developed Western medicine primarily by following the teaching of French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and the Germ Theory of Disease. Pasteur believed that diseases were caused by outside pathogens invading the body. Antoine Béchamp a Pasteur contemporary, disagreed. He believed that it was that the condition of the body, the terrain, was the source of illness. A healthy body is dependent upon its acid/base balance; its charge; the amount of toxicity and its nutritional status. Only tissue that is already diseased can harbor organisms that become pathogenic. We are starting to appreciate our complicated relationships with the microbial world as we have begun to explore the wonderful world of our microbiomes. This disease theories of Pasteur have led us to the doctrines of virology and immunology. This evolution began before we learned anything about vitamins, trace minerals and other nutrients. (2)
Western medicine is now leaving the world of antibiotics. Antibiotics are failing and have served to create more pathogens that are resistant to antibiotic treatments. Western medicine is now embracing vaccination. And why not? There are untold numbers of microbes and 7.8 billion people on earth to experiment upon. Pharmaceutical companies have more and more vaccines in their pipelines. All they must do is to convince us and our governments that their vaccines are the only thing that saves us from vast epidemics, severe illness and probably death. And not a surprise the Corona virus has already been patented. Even at best, this season’s flu vaccines have already proven to be 70% ineffective. The promise of herd immunity does not hold up with vaccinated populations. (3)
Nine Months to a Corona Vaccine
On January 23, 2020 the company Moderna, Inc announced that it is partnering with the US National Institutes of Health (4) to develop a vaccine to prevent infection by the corona virus within the next 9 months. They promise new technology to address this life-threatening epidemic. Sound good? It might be if vaccinations worked. It might be if organisms didn’t rapidly mutate to new forms as they pass through their vectors. It might be if vaccines didn’t also depend on heavy metals to aggravate the immune system. It might be if animal and human DNA from the viral growth medium weren’t injected into the body without any clue for the long-term consequences. Vaccines do not work.
How is the Flu Deadly?
Most of us have experienced the respiratory illness that is characterized as the flu at some point in our lives. Temperatures rise as it is part of the body’s natural defense mechanism, but not always. There are aches and pains and general malaise and coughing. Most of us take to our beds until we feel better. However, some days after the viral assault, pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), caused by bacteria can set in. This infection can become life threatening as it spreads, and organ systems become compromised. If someone is already struggling with organ system problems, let’s say with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or renal issues, this can become the tipping point. The infection can lead to sepsis, a systemic inflammatory response, shutting down organ systems leading to death. Even in young healthy people, this response, also called a cytokine storm, can overwhelm the body.
Back to Antoine Béchamp
This is the other option. We can choose to help our body’s terrain remain in its healthy state, and if we get sick we can choose to return our body to that healthy state rather than embrace warfare on our microbial world and be left with the consequences of the “friendly fire”. The rest of this article will focus on staying well and getting well despite a flu epidemic. Admittedly, it is getting to be more and more difficult. Our water, our air and our food have become compromised like never before in human history.
Basic and Free (or almost)
Wash your hands. We can’t live our lives and avoid contact with other people. However, we can minimize the challenges to our immune system by frequently washing your hands. After the SARS outbreak in 2003, a Toronto epidemiologist related that the installation of numerous handwashing stations and maintaining sanitary protocols stopped the spread of SARS in its tracks. (5)
Plain soap and water will do. You can find alcohol and chemical wipes everywhere, but this is not the best choice as these chemicals strip your skin of their natural oils which also protect you. It’s better to use wipes that have been infused with essential oils. Essential oils have power antiviral activities and can be inhaled and infused. Using a diffuser in public spaces such as schools could cut down viral transmission. This reference holds a long list of the most effective essential oils and herbal remedies. (6)
The So-Called Flu Season.
“...it has been my observation that those patients receiving a Vitamin D injection in the fall have never had a substantial cold or flu during the winter. Interestingly, the dose of a single injection is 400,000 IU (International Units). While that seems a substantial dose, after administering many thousands of injections, I have never seen an example of the Vitamin D levels climbing too high. As a matter of fact, some individuals are so depleted at the intracellular level that they might need 2 or 3 injections over the winter months to preserve optimal levels of vitamin D.” Dr. Dale Guyer, Indianapolis posting in Facebook.
Vitamin D is a primary tool for preventing infection of all kinds. The flu season coincides with the greatest lack of sunshine and the opportunity to create vitamin D in the skin. It is easily supplemented. Optimal levels should be 70-80 ng/ml. Supplementing vitamin D can be preventative. High doses can be used to treat an acute incidence of the flu. (7)
Linus Pauling and Vitamin C
Linus Pauling’s claim to fame was to make vitamin C a household word. He extolled the virtues of vitamin for prevention and treatment for colds and the flu. Vitamin C can be used in smaller doses as prevention and ramped up to bowel tolerance for treatment. In severe cases, a physician may offer even higher doses in an IV treatment to speed recovery from the flu. Using vitamin C in a phospholipid delivery system can also provide higher and effective doses. (8)
Dr. William Jefferies spent his entire career studying hydrocortisone or cortisol. In his 80’s, he made an interesting discovery. After deliberately infecting some volunteer students, he discovered that the virus inhibited the pituitary hormone ACTH which is responsible for the adrenal production of hydrocortisone. That feeling of malaise and the aches and pains and headaches that come with the flu are quickly eradicated by using supplemental hydrocortisone. Practitioners can provide the drug Cortef to be used orally. However, hydrocortisone 1 % cream can be found in drug stores and applied to the skin. To prevent the flu, establish that there are no underlying hydrocortisone deficiencies. Practitioners rely on an Adrenal Stress Index saliva test or morning cortisol in the serum to identify problems. Dr. Jefferies used maintenance doses such as 5 mg of hydrocortisone every 6 hours. In the case of an acute flu, larger doses should be used immediately, and relief is rapid. (9)
Antibiotics are starting to fail as mentioned above. But we really don’t have to worry much despite the dire prognostications. Ozone, a gas, which is a very reactive form of oxygen can treat any infection. Ozone treated water can be used in hand washing and cleaning surfaces. Ozonated oils such as olive oil can be gargled if there is a sore throat. You can use ozone in your ears, vaginally, or rectally for a full body treatment. You can also ozonate your bath water. A practitioner can help you with intravenous options if a serious infection has persisted. The American Association of Ozone Therapy is a great resource to learn about ozone. (10)
To Be Continued
We are just scratching the surface so far on all the methods we may use to deter getting an infection and what steps we can take to treat an infection. Humanity has survived on the earth for millions of years. There are multiple modalities, both conventional and traditional that can strengthen the immune system and help prevent infections. We can open the door to rediscover and identify our rich histories of healing modalities. We have choices. We don’t have to rely only on hastily devised, unproven and untested therapies alone.
Article courtesy of: Carol Petersen RPh CNP
Carol Petersen is an accomplished compounding pharmacist with decades of experience helping patients improve their quality of life through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with Women’s International Pharmacy. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy and is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner. Her passion to optimize health and commitment to compounding is evident in her involvement with organizations including the International College of Integrated Medicine and the American College of Apothecaries. She was also the founder and first chair for the Compounding Special Interest Group with the American Pharmacists Association.
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Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
This article is not intended to provide medical diagnosis, advice, treatment, or endorsement.
(1) Webster-Miriam Dictionary
(7) Henriques, Tiago “How Not To Die With True High-Dose Vitamin D Therapy: Coimbra’s Protocol and the Secrets of Safe High-Dose Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 Supplementation
(8) Pauling, Linus “Vitamin C, the Common Cold, and the Flu” November 1, 1976
(9) Jefferies, William Mck “Safe Uses of Cortisol” Published 2004 by Charles C. Thomas (first published 1981)
(10) https://aaot.us